IgE Allergy Test Results
An elevated IgE level with some foods & inhalants may not cause symptoms. As such, an IgE level is not a standalone definitive diagnosis for a all allergens.
Many allergies are mild and only manifest themselves intermittently when the body experiences cumulative exposure to multiple allergens within a short timeframe. Furthermore, when reviewing results, we recommend considering the presence of IgE antibodies to Cross-Reactivity Carbohydrate Determinants (CCDs). Should IgE antibodies to CCDs be identified in a sample, studies show the likelihood of a possible false-positive or clinically irrelevant result increases. Taking antihistamines or cutting out specific allergen exposure before the test may also impact your results. For example, if you are allergic to dust mites and have thoroughly cleaned your sheets, pillowcases, and curtains along with the rest of your entire house and have not been exposed to dust mites for some time before your test, it may not show up as an allergy in your results.
Please note if you have a known allergy, do not expose yourself to it before this test. This could unnecessarily lead to the risk of anaphylaxis, a life-threatening condition.