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We’ve created these comparison pages to help you select the right test for your needs.

Drug Test Comparison

4U Health Drug Tests measure either 78 targets in urine or 54 targets in saliva. Review the targets and detection windows to find the right test for your needs.

Food Allergy Tests

Food allergy tests are medical tests used to determine if an individual has an allergic reaction to specific foods. These tests can help identify the specific foods that trigger an allergic reaction, allowing individuals to avoid them and manage their allergy symptoms more effectively.

4U Health food allergy tests include:

Food Sensitivity Tests

Food sensitivity tests used to identify if an individual has an adverse reaction to certain foods that may not be an allergic reaction. These tests can help identify the specific foods that trigger a sensitivity reaction, allowing individuals to modify their diet and reduce their symptoms.

4U Health food sensitivity tests include:

Food Allergy (IgE) vs. Sensitivity Tests (IgG)

Learn the difference between food sensitivity and food allergy tests to help choose which test might be best to help determine the source of foods causing discomfort.

Respiratory Allergy Tests

Respiratory allergen tests are medical tests used to determine if an individual has an allergic reaction to airborne substances such as pollen, mold, dust, or pet dander. 4U Health’s blood tests can detect the presence of specific allergen antibodies in the body. These tests can help identify the triggers of respiratory allergies, allowing individuals to take preventive measures to reduce exposure and manage their symptoms more effectively.

4U Health respiratory allergy tests include: