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How Accurate Is a Urine Test for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea?

by | Jan 21, 2025 | Wellness Blog: STD/STI

Looking to get tested? Comprehensive Chlamydia Gonorrhea Test

how accurate is a urine test for chlamydia and gonorrhea Urine tests for chlamydia and gonorrhea, known as nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs), are highly accurate in detecting the DNA of these infections. Often referred to as urine GC NAAT tests, these analyses have been extensively studied and shown to deliver excellent sensitivity and specificity.

The sensitivity of a test refers to its ability to correctly identify individuals with the infection (true positives), while specificity refers to its ability to correctly identify those without the infection (true negatives). So, how accurate is a urine test for chlamydia and gonorrhea? NAAT chlamydia gonorrhea tests typically achieve sensitivity and specificity rates of 95% or higher.1 This high level of accuracy makes these tests a reliable choice for detecting gonorrhea and chlamydia infections.

However, it is important to note that no test is 100% perfect, and there is always a small possibility of false-positive or false-negative results. Factors such as the timing of the test (waiting at least two weeks following exposure or treatment) and sample collection technique (following instructions closely) can affect accuracy. For the most reliable results, retesting is recommended three months after treatment or possible exposure to confirm negative STI status. If you have concerns about positive results, consult a healthcare professional or consider repeating the test for confirmation.

While urine-based NAAT tests are highly effective for detecting genital infections, it is crucial to remember that chlamydia and gonorrhea can also infect the mouth, throat, and rectum. These non-genital sites often go untested, leading to missed infections. It is highly recommended to consider a comprehensive testing option like a 3-Site Chlamydia Gonorrhea Test. This test detects infections in the throat, rectum, and genital areas, ensuring a more thorough screening.

Now continue reading to learn the signs and symptoms for chlamydia and gonorrhea, how they spread, and the testing and treatment options available.


Symptoms of Chlamydia in Men & Women

Chlamydia can be transmitted through anal, vaginal, or oral sex, with the risk of infection increasing when condoms are not used. Many individuals with chlamydia experience no symptoms, but when symptoms occur, they typically appear 1 to 3 months after exposure, though they may take longer in some cases.2

Less commonly, chlamydia can affect the eyes, causing redness, pain, sensitivity to light, and discharge, or the joints, leading to swelling, redness, warmth, and significant discomfort. However, symptoms most often develop in the rectal, oral, or genital areas, depending on the site of exposure.

Signs of Chlamydia3

  • Anal Chlamydia Symptoms
  • Anal itching or soreness: Discomfort or irritation around the anus
  • Rectal discharge or bleeding: Unusual discharge or bleeding from the rectum
  • Painful bowel movements: Experiencing pain during defecation
  • Pain during anal sex: Increased discomfort during rectal intercourse
  • Flu-like symptoms: Fever, chills, body ache and/or fatigue
  • Silent infection: Rectal chlamydia may not show symptoms but you can still transmit the infection
  • Oral Chlamydia Symptoms
  • Sore throat: Persistent painful, scratchy, or irritated feeling in the throat
  • Redness or swelling: Inflamed or irritated throat tissue
  • Difficulty swallowing: Trouble or pain when swallowing food or liquids
  • Mouth pain: Swollen and painful gums, along with redness and inflammation in the mouth
  • Sores: White patches or ulcers on the tongue, palate, or inside the cheeks
  • Tender neck: Enlarged or tender lymph nodes
  • Flu-like symptoms: Fever, chills, body ache and/or fatigue4
  • Silent infection: Oral chlamydia may not present symptoms but you can still spread the infection
  • Pelvic/Genital Chlamydia Symptoms
  • Pelvic pain: Discomfort or ache in the lower abdomen or pelvis
  • Pain or burning during urination: Stinging sensation while urinating
  • Itching sensation in urethra: Uncomfortable irritation in the urethral opening
  • Discharge from the vagina or penis: Unusual fluid coming from the genitals
  • Vaginal bleeding between periods: Bleeding or spotting, often after vaginal intercourse
  • Testicular pain or swelling: Discomfort or enlargement in typically in one of the testicles
  • Flu-like symptoms: Fever, chills, body ache and/or fatigue
  • Silent infection: Genital chlamydia may not show symptoms but you can still transmit the infection

How Do People Get Chlamydia

Chlamydia can be transmitted through oral, anal, or vaginal sex. It can also spread when a partner with an infection engages in activities that expose another person to the bacteria. Additionally, chlamydia can simultaneously infect multiple areas, such as the rectum, genitals, and throat. Regular testing, including specialized rectal STD test kits, mouth swab STD tests, and std urine test kits, helps ensure early detection and effective treatment.

Can You Get Chlamydia From Anal Sex?

Yes, chlamydia can be transmitted through anal sex if one partner is infected. This STI spreads through unprotected anal, vaginal, or oral sex and can affect the rectum, genitals, throat, or even the eyes. It can also be transmitted by sharing unwashed sex toys or those not covered with a fresh condom for each use. Practicing safe sex and regular testing can help reduce the risk.5

Can You Get Chlamydia With a Condom?

While using condoms consistently and correctly significantly reduces the risk of transmitting chlamydia, it does not entirely eliminate it. Studies have shown that proper condom use can reduce the risk of chlamydial infection by approximately 60%. Therefore, while condoms are highly effective, there remains a residual risk of transmission. This underscores the importance of regular STI screenings and open communication with sexual partners to further minimize the risk.6

Can Chlamydia Pass Through Oral?

Yes, chlamydia can be transmitted through oral sex if one partner is infected. This STI spreads through unprotected vaginal, anal, or oral sex and can affect the genitals, rectum, throat, or even the eyes. It can also be transmitted by sharing unwashed sex toys or those not covered with a fresh condom for each use. Practicing safe sex and regular testing can help reduce the risk.7

Can U Catch Chlamydia Through Kissing?

Although it is possible, contracting chlamydia through kissing alone is highly unlikely. An oral chlamydia infection typically requires direct contact through oral sex with infected genital or anal areas for transmission. However, chlamydia can be transmitted through kissing if infected genital fluids are present in the mouth and passed to a partner.8

How Is Chlamydia Tested

Testing for chlamydia can be done easily using specialized at home lab test kits. Available tests for chlamydia include:

Chlamydia Treatment

Chlamydia is treated with antibiotics prescribed by a healthcare provider. It is crucial to complete the full prescribed regimen, typically lasting 1 week, to ensure the infection is fully eliminated.9 Testing for a cure is recommended at least 2 weeks after treatment to allow your body enough time to clear the infection. For the most accurate results, many healthcare providers recommend retesting after 2 months to confirm the infection has been cleared and to rule out reinfection.10


Symptoms of Gonorrhea in Men & Women

Gonorrhea can be transmitted through anal, vaginal, or oral sex, with the risk of infection increasing when condoms are not used. Many individuals with gonorrhea experience no symptoms at all. When symptoms do develop, they typically emerge within 1 to 14 days after exposure, although in some instances, they may not appear until several weeks later. Although gonorrhea can affect the eyes—causing pain, sensitivity to light, and pus-like discharge—or the joints, leading to warmth, redness, swelling, and severe pain, it most commonly causes symptoms in the rectal, oral, or genital areas, depending on the site of infection.

Gonorrhea Signs11

  • Anal Gonorrhea Symptoms
  • Anal itching or soreness: Discomfort or irritation around the anus
  • Rectal discharge or bleeding: Unusual discharge or bleeding from the rectum
  • Painful bowel movements: Experiencing pain during defecation
  • Pain during anal sex: Increased discomfort during rectal intercourse
  • Flu-like symptoms: Fever, chills, body ache and/or fatigue
  • Silent infection: Rectal gonorrhea may not show symptoms but you can still transmit the infection
  • Oral Gonorrhea Symptoms
  • Sore throat: Persistent painful, scratchy or burning feeling in the throat
  • Redness or swelling: Inflammation or irritation in the throat area
  • Difficulty swallowing: Trouble or pain when swallowing food or liquids
  • Spots on the tonsils or throat: White or yellowish patches on the tonsils or throat lining
  • Tender neck: Enlarged or tender lymph nodes
  • Flu-like symptoms: Fever, chills, body ache and/or fatigue12
  • Silent infection: Oral gonorrhea may not show symptoms but you can still transmit the infection
  • Pelvic/Genital Gonorrhea Symptoms
  • Pelvic pain: Discomfort or ache in the lower abdomen or pelvis
  • Pain or burning during urination: Stinging sensation while urinating
  • Itching sensation in urethra: Uncomfortable irritation in the urethral opening
  • Discharge from the vagina or penis: Unusual fluid coming from the genitals
  • Vaginal bleeding between periods: Bleeding or spotting, often after vaginal intercourse
  • Testicular pain or swelling: Discomfort or enlargement in typically in one of the testicles
  • Flu-like symptoms: Fever, chills, body ache and/or fatigue
  • Silent infection: Genital gonorrhea may not show symptoms but you can still transmit the infection

How Is Gonorrhea Spread

Gonorrhea can spread through oral, anal, or vaginal sex. It can also be transmitted when a partner with an infection engages in activities that expose another person to the bacteria. Additionally, gonorrhea can simultaneously infect multiple areas, such as the rectum, genitals, and throat. Regular testing, including specialized rectal STI tests, STI throat swab tests, and urine test for STIs, helps ensure early detection and proper treatment.

Can You Get Gonorrhea From Anal?

Yes, gonorrhea can be passed on through anal sex if one partner is infected. This sexually transmitted infection (STI) can be spread via unprotected anal, vaginal, or oral sex and may impact the rectum, genitals, throat, or eyes. It can also be transmitted when sharing sex toys that haven’t been cleaned or covered with a new condom before each use. Using protection and getting tested regularly can help reduce the risk.13

Can You Catch Gonorrhea Through Oral?

Yes, gonorrhea can be passed on through giving or receiving oral sex if one partner is infected. This sexually transmitted infection (STI) can be spread via unprotected vaginal, anal, or oral sex and may impact the genitals, rectum, throat, or eyes. It can also be transmitted when sharing sex toys that haven’t been cleaned or covered with a new condom before each use. Using protection and getting tested regularly can help reduce the risk.14

Can Gonorrhea Be Transmitted Through Kissing?

Yes, recent research indicates that gonorrhea can be transmitted through kissing. Studies have identified tongue kissing as a potential risk factor for oropharyngeal gonorrhea, though further research is needed to determine its prevalence.15

Can a Condom Prevent Gonorrhea?

Yes, using condoms correctly and consistently can significantly reduce the risk of contracting gonorrhea. Studies have shown that correct and consistent condom use can reduce the risk of gonorrhea by approximately 90%. However, it’s important to note that while condoms are highly effective, they are not 100% foolproof. Condoms may not cover all areas that could potentially be infected, such as the mouth or anus during oral or anal sex, which can still pose a risk for transmission.16

How Can You Test for Gonorrhea

Testing for gonorrhea is simple and discreet with trusted at-home testing options. Skip the clinic and get fast, reliable results from the privacy of your home. Our physician-approved at-home tests allow you to check for oral gonorrhea, rectal gonorrhea, genital gonorrhea, or all three in one convenient combo kit. Ready to take control of your health? Order lab tests online today.

Treatment for Gonorrhea

Gonorrhea is treated with antibiotics prescribed by a healthcare provider. It is essential to complete the entire prescribed regimen to fully eliminate the infection. Testing for a cure is recommended at least 2 weeks after treatment to ensure your body has had enough time to clear the infection. For the most accurate negative results, the CDC advises retesting at 3 months to confirm the infection has been cleared and to rule out reinfection.17

Conclusion How accurate is a urine test for chlamydia and gonorrhea?

Now you know the answer to “How accurate is a urine test for chlamydia and gonorrhea?”—95% or greater! Practicing safe sex by using barriers like condoms during anal, oral, and vaginal sex is key to reducing the risk of contracting or spreading sexually transmitted infections. It’s also important to remember that gonorrhea and chlamydia can infect areas beyond the genitals, such as the oral and anal cavities. Regular testing is vital, especially if you have multiple sexual partners or are unsure of a partner’s STI status. For a convenient, private, and reliable way to stay on top of your sexual health, consider ordering STD tests online. Early detection and timely treatment are essential for managing infections effectively and safeguarding your overall health.